Aysheshim Gashaye Ayinie

Full NameAysheshim Gashaye Ayene
Department of Civics and Ethical Studies
Injibara University, Ethiopia
Academic RankLecturer
Education Background
  •  Master of Arts Degree (MA) in Public policy and Sustainable development , from  University of Gondar  (September  20,2012 -July 5,2014)
  • Bachelor of Arts Degree (B.Ed.) in Civics and Ethical Education from Adama  University  (September 12,2007 -July18,2009)
  • Higher Diploma Program (HDP) from Samara University (September 20,2015-June 30,2015)
Working Experiences
  • Lecturer   at Injibara University ( October 1, 2018 to Present)
  • Lecturer at Samara University (from  September 10, 2014 – September 30, 2018)
  • Assistant Lecturer at Samara University ( November 11, 2012 –  July 7, 2014)
  • Graduate Assistant II at Samara University ( November 29, 2011- November  4, 2012)
  • Graduate Assistant I at  Samara University ( November 4, 2010- November 4, 2011)
Research Interest
  • Public policy and development, local government practices, development and conflict resolution, development and corruption, Public policy issues and good governance
  • Gender and development, sustainable development, Environment and resource management, development projects, Governance and Leadership and other related issues.
Participation in Research
  • Research Paper on the Challenges of Internal displacement on Host Communities since 2019: the case of selected Woreda/Towns of Awi Zone, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia
  • Institutional Capacity of Local Government in Public Healthcare Service Delivery: Evidences from Aba’ala and Dallol woredas, Afar Regional State, Ethiopia, November 2014.
  • The Impact of Women’s Education on their Living Standard in Awi Zone; The Case of Injibara City Administration
Participation in Community Services
  • Effective and efficient public service delivery for municipality civil servant workers in Awi Administrative Zone , June 24-30/2021 workers at Injibara, Chagni and Dangila.
Contact addressE-mail:  ayshegash@gmail.com
Mobile No+251 910415508/939829150
Injibara University, Injibara, EthiopiaInstitutional e-mail: