Demeke Siltan Adane

Full NameDemeke Siltan Adane
Academic RankLecturer
Education BackgroundMSW from Bahir Dar University (September 2015 to June 2017)BA in Social Anthropology from University of Gondar (October 2007-June 2011
Working ExperienceHead, Department of Social Anthropology at Injibara University ( to Present)Lecturer at Injibara University (September, 2019 to Present)Lecturer at Ambo University (June 2017 to September 2019)Assistant lecturer at Ambo University (March 20015-September 2015)Graduate Assistant II at Ambo University (March 2014 to March 2015)Graduate Assistant I at Ambo University (March 2013 to March 2014)
Research InterestIndigenous knowledgeCulture and languageVulnerability Gender, community based issues
PublicationsSiltan, D. (2019). The Impact of Development Induced Displacement on the Livelihood of Small Holder Farmers; the Case of DejenWoreda Rural Kebeles. International Journal of Sustainable Development Research, 5(1), 9-17.Siltan, D. (2019). Land Expropriation and Compensation Process Among Development Induced Displaced Households: The Case of Dejen Woreda Rural Kebeles. International Journal of Social Work6(1), 18-32.
AddressCollege of Business and Economics, Injibara UniversityOffice: Registrar Building, Room 214Tel: +251 91 2 47 29 14Email: