Menichil Alene Bezuayehu

Full Name Menichil Alene Bezuayehu
Academic Rank Chief Technical Instructor
Working Department  Geography and Environmental studies, College of Social Science and Humanities , Injibara University
Education Background
  •   MSc in Geomatics  from Bahir Dar University
  • BSc in Land Administration and Surveying  from Bahir Dar University
Working Experience
  •   From October 4, 2022 to present working as Chief Technical Instructor, at Injibara University, Ethiopia.
  • From October 04/2019 to October 16,2022  working as an Chief Technical instructor, at Injibara University, Ethiopia
Research Interest
  •  Geospatial Data Validation,
  •  Urbanization ,
  • Environment And Land Resource Conservation,
  • Climate Change,
  • Land Policy And Governance,
  • Food Security And Livelihood,
  • Risk And Susceptibility,
  • Land Tenure Security And
  • Land Use Suitability And Capability In Both Urban And Rural Areas
Contact address E-mail Address:

Cellphone address: +251 (0)934137970

Injibara University, Injibara, Ethiopia