Ayele Addis Ambelu (PhD)

Ayele Addis Ambelu (PhD), in Journalism and Communications.

Winning Journalism Educator, Journalist,  Amhara Journalists Association Chairman and Award Winner of outstanding investigative journalism.

Trainers’ journalists about public interest journalism, Consult the media, and Manage Journalists in the region.

Full Name Ayele Addis Ambelu (PhD)
Academic Rank Assistant professor
Education Background
  •  PhD in Doctor of Philosophy in Journalism and Communications.
  • M.A in Media and Communication
  • Bachelor Degree in Journalism and Communication (major),
Language Skills
  • English, Ge’ez, Turkish
Working Experience
  • Outstanding Investigative Reporting, one of the third prize winners in the teamwork of Festiov Journalism Award 2020. (https://fjawards.com/finalists/59-sucked-dry/article) in Switzerland.
  • Best Journalist of the year 2019, in scientific reporting and fact checking by Ethiopian News Center
  • Awarded by Amhara Mass Media Agency in 2012 Best journalist of the year in Working Good Governance issue.
  • Recognition in Workers union for best investigative Reporter in Amhara Region city rural road authority.
  • Awarded by Amhara region media and art Association Best media manager of the year in 2015/2016
  • Awarded in Best documentary Film producer of the year by ARMA media production in 2017
  • Best Investigative Journalist of the year in 2020/2021 by Africa News Channel
  • The first Ethiopian language investigative journalism book writer recognition by Ethiopian Journalism School  Association
  • Outstanding Ethiopian Media Profile book contributor (2022).
  • *WASH Media Award 2013 competitor
  • *GIRL EFFECT UNIVERSTY project designer graduated
  • *Update trainer in advanced higher management government policy and strategy
  • * Awards at a variety of literature competitions
  • *Active Community service provider
  • Honorable and outstanding worker in current job
  • Award in recognition of successful completion of media policy and legal framework in Ethiopia
  •   Basic Journalism and reporting skill by UNICEF
  • the roll of Journalism during election by UNICEF
  • media and communication by UNICEF
  • Safe motherhood, convention on the right of child and gender balance reporting by UNICEF
  • PC DIPLOMA Computer Basic Application
  • Journalists on prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) IEC/BCC material production
  • Volunteer – public relation head of Green Life Environmental Protection Association, promotion manager in vulnerable group in Bahir Dar.
Grant Administration
  • USAID Mis and Disinformation Training implemented by Zemera Multmedia 3.7 Million Ethiopian Birr
  • IMS/Fojo : Fact checking project 2021/2022; implemented by Bahir Dar University 1.2 Million Ethiopian Birr
  • Bahir Dar University; Social Media : Funded  400,000 ETB
  • IMS /FOJO, National Media Research Workshop; implemented by Amhara Journalists and Media Association 1.1 Million Ethiopian Birr
  • Reuters, Thomson Foundation 2022-2022 implemented by Amhara Journalists and Media Association 5.3 Million Ethiopian Birr
  • Ethiopian media encyclopedia – implemented by Tewedaje Media 3.8 Million Ethiopian Birr
  • Nile story implemented by InfoNile Africa USD$ grant
  • Policy preparation – implemented by Ethiopian Community radio Broadcasters Association ; Funded by UNESCO USD$
  • USAID – Ethiopian reconciliation and the quest of Amhara people.  1.7 Million Ethiopian Birr
  • Etc …
Research Interest
  • Media and democracy, media representation, online journalism, media management, conflict sensitive reporting Etc…
  1. The Development of Ethiopian Media, 1991-2021


2. Translator and Editor in to Amharic language ““JOURNALISM, ‘FAKE NEWS’ & DISINFORMATION “UNESCO’s handbook. 2020.

The development of Broadcast media in Ethiopia, 2020, Government communication of Ethiopia.

3. Agenda setting and news framing in Ethiopian politics. (2015 Lambert publishing Inc.)(ISBN: 9783659675812) from Amazon’s Book Store.

4. An Investigation on the Perspectives of Political Economy in the case of African Broadcast Media in Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation

5. The East African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (EAJSSH), Vol 6 No 1 (2021)

Published: 2021-06-03 https://haramayajournals.org/index.php/ejsh/issue/view/95

Accreditation Link: Nationally Accredited

6. Ambelu, A. A., Ali, A. C., & Skjerdal, T. S. (2021). Media Regulatory Bodies in Ethiopia (1991-2020). Abyssinia Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 6(2), 36–45. https://doi.org/10.20372/ajbs.2021.6.2.387

Accreditation Link: Nationally Accredited

7. Public Journalism Development in Ethiopia : perspectives under government censorship

Amharic  language book, the first public journalism initiative book in Ethiopia.

8. Media Censorship in Ethiopian in the perspective of Political Economy, Regulation, and Regulatory Bodies

Ayele Addis Ambelu Dr. Adem Chanie Ali Dr. Terje Skjerda


Sources: Journal Citation Reports, Scopus®, 2021https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/22495

Innovations, Number 66 September 2021

9. An Intersection of Political economy, Regulation, and Regulatory Bodies in the Ethiopian Media, Innovations, Number 66 September 2021

Ayele Addis Ambelu ; Dr. Adem Chanie Ali ; Dr. Terje Skjerdal

Innovations. https://journal-innovations.com/assets/uploads/doc/370f0-1093-1112-23467.pdf

Sources: Journal Citation Reports, Scopus®, 2021https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/22495

10. African Form of Indigenous Mass Communication in the Case of Ethiopia, by Ayele Addis

The Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications

ISSN NUMBER: 2407-9677 – DOI: 10.30958/ajmmc

Volume 7, Issue 3, July 2021

11. The political Ideology shifts of Ethiopia


Sources: Journal Citation Reports (Source Clarivate, 2021), Scopus®, 2020 release, and Google Scholar.

Address Senior Lecturer, Media researcher at Injebar University

Chair man of Amhara Journalists Association;


20 April  , 1989


Po. Box 400

Ayeleradio@gmail.com (private)

emmanews23@gmail.com (Office)


20 April  , 1989


Po. Box 400

Mobile: +251918718307