Aleshing Abebe Alem

Full name Aleshing Abebe Alem
Academic rank Lecturer
Educational back ground
  •  MA in folklore from  BahirDar University ( from September 2019  to Augest  2020 )
  • BA in  Ethiopian language and literature    ( Amharic) from Aksum university      (September 2015 to June 2017)
Work experience
  • Lecturer  at Injibara university ( from  August 2021 up to present)
  • Graduate assistant I at Aksum university  (from July  2017  up to September 2019)
Research interest
  • Folklore
  • Ethiopian language and Literature
Publication  (proceeding)
Address Injibara University, College of Social science and humanities

Office: registrar  building  Room 201

Phone number: +251921218235
