Amene Afework Jenberu

Full Name Amene Afework Jenberu
Academic rank Lecturer
Educational background
  •   MA in Urban and Regional Development Planning from Addis Ababa University (Octo 2006 – July 2009)
  • BA in Geography and Environmental Education from Wollo University (Sep 2009 – July 2011)
  •   PhD Student at Bahir Dar University since October 2019
Work Experiences
  •   Lecturer at Arba Minch University (July 2011 – September 2017)
  •   Head of Geography and Environmental Studies Department at Arba Minch University (Dec 2012 – Dec 2015)
  • Chamo Campus Registrar coordinator at Arba Minch University (Jan 2016- September 2017)
  • Lecturer at Injibara University (September 2017-present)
  • Registrar Directorate Director (October 2017-october 2019)
Research interest
  • Livelihood and Food security
  • Urbanization and Urban management
  • Socioeconomic development and Environment
  • Land use planning and land administration
  •   Environmental change and responses
  •  Jenberu, A. A., & Admasu, T. G. (2020). Urbanization and land use pattern in Arba Minch town, Ethiopia: driving forces and challenges. GeoJournal85(3), 761-778.
  • Admasu, T. G., & Jenberu, A. A. (2020, December). Urban Planning Implementation Challenges in Arba Minch Town, Southern Ethiopia. In Urban Forum (Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 549-572). Springer Netherlands.
  •   Jenberu, A. A., & Kasse, G. M. (2021). Deriving forces and socioeconomic status of women in the urban informal sector in Bichena Town, West-Central Ethiopia. Journal of Social and Economic Development23(2), 258-282.
  •  Admasu, T. G., & Jenberu, A. A. (2022). TheImpacts of Apple-based Agroforestry Practices on the Livelihoods of Smallholder Farmers in Southern Ethiopia. Trees, Forests and People7, 100205.
Address Department of Geography and Env’tal Studies, CSSH, Injibara University 

Tel: +251 912910694
