Ayenew Aynie Mekonnen


Full Name

Ayenew Aynie Mekonnen

Lecturer, Department of Civics and Ethical Studies

Injibara University, Ethiopia

Academic RankLecturer
Education Background
  •    Master of Arts Degree (MA) in Peace and Conflict Studies from Bahir Dar University (October 2019 to October 2021)

  • Bachelor of Arts Degree (BA) in Civic and Ethical Studies from University of Gondar (October 2011 to July 2015)
Working Experiences
  •  As teacher at Tilili general secondary and preparatory school (September 2017 to September 2022).

  • As lecturer at Injibara University (October 2022 to present
Research InterestMy research interests encompass a wide range of topics that hold great significance in today’s world. It spans a broad spectrum of disciplines, including politics, conflict studies, and global security. By exploring these diverse areas of inquiry, I am able to gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex forces that shape our world today. This includes:
  •       Ethiopian Politics;

  • Peace and conflict management mechanisms;

  • Peaceful conflict resolution mechanism; and

  • Regional and global security issues
Contact addressE-mail: ayenewayinie1@gmail.com

Mobile No+251 44738972

Injibara University, Injibara, Ethiopia