Berhanu Asaye Agajie

Full Name Berhanu Asaye Agajie
Academic Rank Assistant Professor
Educational Background
  • Bachelor of Education in Amharic Major and English minor, Debub University (1992 E.C)
  • Master of Arts in Ethiopian Literature and Folklore, Addis Ababa University (1999 E.C)
Working Involvement Teaching Experiences

  •  Lecturer at Injibara University (July 2013 to Present)
  • Lecturer at Injibara College of Teachers Education (2000 to 2013 E.C)
  •   Linguistics and Theatrical Art Expert at Awi Zone Culture and Youth Department (1997 to 1998 E.C)
  • Linguistic Expert at Awi Zone Culture and Youth Department (1995 to 1997 E.C)
  • Theatrical Art Expert at Awi Zone Department of Culture, Tourism and Information (1993 to 1994 E.C)

Administrative Positions

  • Institute of Agaw Studies Director at Injibara University (2014 E.C to present)
  • Research Unit Vice coordinator at Injibara College of Teachers Education (2007 to 2011 E.C)
  • Head of Language Department at Injibara College of Teachers Education (2002 to 2005 E.C)
  • Awgni Unit Coordinator at Debre Markos College of Teachers Education (2000 to 2001 E.C)
Research Interest
  •  Folklore
  •   Literature
  • Theoretical linguistics
  • Language Education
Publications ORCID :

  • Berhanu, A.A. (2021). Literary Folktales Promoting Children’s Multiple Intelligences. Aksara, 33(2), 245-256. doi: v33i2.577.hlm
  • Berhanu, A.A. (2020). Images of Amhara women in oral poetry. Studies in African Languages and Cultures, 54,163-180. doi: 10.32690/SALC54.7
  • Berhanu, A.A. (2020). Issues Touching School Quality in Amhara Region. Colloquium Humanarum, 17, 93-107. doi: 10.5747/ch.2020.v17.h460
  • Berhanu, A.A. (2020). Syntactic Object Representations found in Awgni Sentences. OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, 14(1): 99-116. doi: 10.19105/ojbs.v14i1. 3226
  • Berhanu, A.A. (2020). Application of Labeling Algorithm to Awgni Sentences Classified by Their Structure. LITERA, 19 (3):361-377. doi: 10.21831/ltr.v19i3.31162
  • Berhanu, A.A. (2020). Syntactic Structure of Adjective, Preposition and Adverb Phrase of Awgni. LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Learning, 23(2):368-382. doi: 10.24071/llt.v23i2.2527
  • Berhanu, A.A. (2020). The Syntactic Structure of Awgni Noun Phrases. LiNGUA, 15 (2), 111-122. doi: 10.18860/ ling.v15i2. 9079
  • Berhanu, A.A. (2020). Operation Labeling Algorithm within Xamtanga Sentences. Journal of Applied Studies in Language, 4 (1): 115-127.
  • Berhanu, A.A. (2020). Syntactic Object Representation of Amharic Sentences by Function. IJOTL-TL, 5(2): 65-80. doi:10.30957/ijotl-tl.v5i2.619
Address Institute of Agaw Studies, Injibara University
Tel: +251 918779218