Ayenew Fenta Alem (PhD)

Full NameAyenew Fenta Alem
Academic RankPhD
Educational BackgroundCompleted First Degree in History from Kotebe College Teachers Education (KCTE)2nd and 3rd Degree in History From Addis Ababa University
Work ExperienceServed as secondary school teacher in Arsi Arba-Gugu Awraja, Jejju district; North Shoa Merhabetie Awraja Alem Ketema; Addis Ababa Dejazmatch Wondyirad Secondary School; and finally Agaw Meder Preparatory School in Awi Zone.From April 2003 to August 2004 in West Gojjam, Achefer District as head of Cultural Desk in Culture, Tourism and Youth OfficeFrom September 2004 to Nov.9, 2006 had been Teacher Educator and Head of Registrar Office at Highland CollegeNov.10, 2006 to September 5, 2021, had been academic staff at DMUSeptember 6, 2021 to present, I am serving as academic staff of Injibara University
Research InterestEnvironmental HistorySocial HistoryPolitical History
Publications2012—A History of Ankasha Warada, Western Gojjam, 1935—1991. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013.“Ethnic Interaction And Traditional Administrative Systems In Metekel, Northwest Ethiopia, 1898—1991” Debre Markos University Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (DMUJIDS), Vol.5, Issue 1, May 2021, 120-135, ISSN 2521-8116“Ecology of Disease: Trypanosomiasis and Malaria in Metekel, Northwestern Ethiopia” Abyssinia Journal of Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 1, (Wollo University, 2022), 19-27, ISSN 2707-1340
AddressINJIBARA UNIVERSITY, COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES Email: ayenewfenta@gmail.com Cell Phone: +251913500692