Emebet Birhanu Hailu

Full NameEmebet Birhanu Hailu
    Education BackgroundMA in Teaching Amharic(TeAm) from Bahir Dar University (september – 2003 to June 2004 E.C)Bachelor of Education in Amharic from Bahir Dar University( July 1998 to augest 2001 E.C)Diploma in Amharic from Kotebe Teacher Training College ( sept1995. to June 1996 )
      Working ExperienceTeacher at Benishangul Gumuz Dibati Woreda from July 1996 to September 1998 E.CTeacher at S/Gondar Ebinat Woreda elementary & High school from September 1998 to June 2006 E.C)Teacher at S/Gondar Addis Zemen Preparatory School from July 2006 to January 2007Sport & Entertainment Officer at Debremarkos University from January 2007 to September 2011 E.CLecturer at Injibara University (September 2010 E.C to present)
  Research InterestTeaching MethodsEducationCulture
AddressCollege of Social Science and HumanitiesOffice Registrar Building, Room No 201Tel: +2519 53059037Email: emubirhanu16@gmail.com