Tadele Ambelu Asemahegn

Full NameTadele Ambelu Asemahegn
Academic RankLecturer
Education BackgroundMasters of Art Degree (MA) in Media and Communication from Bahir Dar University (23 September, 2019 to 25 August, 2020)Bachelor of Art Degree in Journalism and Communication with minor Law from Bahir Dar University (18 August 2008 to 29, June 2010 G.C)Bachelor of Art Degree in Management in Blumark College (12 August, 2018 to 06 September, 2021 G.C )
Working ExperienceHead of Journalism and Communications Department at Injibara University (October, 2021 to Present)Lecturer at Injibara University (January 2021 to Present)Lecturer at Asosaa University (October, 2016 to January, 2021 G.C)Graduate Assistant II at Asosa University (01 October, 2018 to 01 October, 2019 G.C)Graduate Assistant I at Asossa University (01 October, 2017 to 01 Octoer, 2018 G.C)HDP Training from (01 December, 2017 to 12 October, 2018 G.C) PR officer at Benishangul Gumuz Education Bureau (23 December, 2015 –07 November, 2017 G.C) Reporter, communicator and coordinators of Bellodjeganfoy wored communication affairs office (April, 2010 to Octoer, 2016 G.C)
Research InterestMedia policy and Management,Communication and Conflict Management,Media Audience Satisfaction,Media Audience and Consumption, Preference, Media Framing and Content analysis,Media Discourse Analysis and Intercultural Communication,Media and Politics, Regulation and Freedom of the press,Public Relation theory and Practice,Advertising and Marketing Communication, Communication and Social Change, andDevelopment Communication.
PublicationsAmelu, T. (2020). Mass Media and Conflict in Multi- Ethnic Society: The Case of Amhara TV and Benishangul Gumuz Regional State TV Ethnic Conflict Events News Reporting, Bahir Dar University.
AddressCollege of Social Science and Humanities, Injibara University Office: Registrar Building, Room 405 Tel: +251 9 18 74 31 27/ 961 76 43 33 Email: ambelutadele27@gmail.com